After 20 years of groundbreaking research, counseling, and consulting, the presenters have found a rise in church leaders choosing charisma over character, causing a systemic rise of toxic faith communities. Lack of trust and increased disengagement with the Church...
Pastoral Counselors
023 | Gender Identity & Religious Faith in Clinical Practice
Helping people navigate diverse gender identities and gender identity questions is complex and often polarizing work. For families informed by conventionally religious faith, some approaches to care raise as many questions as answers. This pre-conference workshop will...
024 | Military Strong: Resilience in the Midst of PTSD, Suicide, and Reintegration
The military ethos has been one of toughness and implies that service members can face any situation, overcome any threat, and defeat the enemy. Despite these expectations, servicemembers are continuously faced with traumatic events, which can result in problems with...
025 | The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope
Our encounter with suffering has many sources—not least of which is ourselves. Indeed, some of our suffering will endure throughout our entire lives. How is it possible for us to form hope in the face of suffering? Moreover, how does research from interpersonal...
026 | Change Your Brain Every Day: Developing Elite Mental Performance
The brain is involved in everything clients do and everything they are. In this workshop, the presenter will share the most practical lessons he has learned from building the world’s largest database of brain scans related to psychiatry. Licensed mental health...
027 | Story-informed Trauma Therapy: A New Approach to Recovery
Trauma is the “gateway” to various psychological, emotional, physiological, social, and relational sequelae, dysfunctions, and disorders. Trauma, in one form or another, is what brings most of our clients into therapy with licensed mental health professionals and...
028 | Abuse, Trauma, and the Emotionally Destructive Relationship
We have all heard the nursery rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It is a lie. The Bible says that words harm people and that reckless words pierce like a sword. Current research agrees that emotional abuse can harm a person’s...
030 | Attachment-based Intervention for Clinically Resistant Depression
A substantial number of people seen by psychologists, licensed mental health professionals, and medical professionals suffer from what the DSM-5-TR now refers to as early onset Persistent Depressive Disorder, which usually starts in childhood or adolescents and...
031 | The Anxiety Reset: Effective Collaborative Treatments and Strategies for Anxiety Disorders
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one in four American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder, including over 40% of young adults (ages 18-29). This mental health challenge is not going away and has been exacerbated by...
032 | For Such a Time as This: A Dynamic Christian Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy
This pre-conference workshop will cover a dynamic Christian approach to counseling and psychotherapy for Christian clients (Tan, 2022a, 2022b) as spiritually integrated psychotherapy (Pargament, 2007). It will include: 1) A Christian perspective on human nature and...