Most psychologists, licensed mental health professionals, and medical professionals receive training and supervision on assessment and intervention for suicidal potential. However, homicidal assessment is frequently unclear and/or often neglected, especially...
Osteopathic Doctors
706 | Going Beyond “The Talk:” Training Pastors, Counselors and Parents on Age-appropriate Conversations about Sexuality and Gender From a Biblical Worldview
A problem facing our world today is the bombardment of beliefs about love, sex, gender, and identity that truly needs Christians to vocally and persistently speak the Truth in Love. Unfortunately, this may prove to be difficult, especially for youth to hear and...
709 | Lost Connection: Assessment and Treatment of Loneliness Across the Life Span
Loneliness contributes to heart disease, higher mortality rates, obesity, and lack of sleep. It has also been shown to have significant deleterious effects on mood, including increased rates of substance use disorder, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation....
615 | Victimology and Restorative Care in Domestic Sex Trafficking
Using the data collected over 10 years from The Samaritan Women, an anti-human trafficking organization, this session offers a victim-centered way of looking at the trauma of domestic sex trafficking. Through statistics, case studies, and anecdotal analysis, this...
522 | Avoiding and Responding to Ethical Complaints or Lawsuits
Legal and ethical practice is critical to appropriate client care for the Christian psychologist, licensed mental health professional, and medical professional. As complaints against mental health providers increase, participants must be aware of the behaviors and...
523 | Understanding Universal Human Needs in Therapy: Building Confidence in Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Contexts
A therapist can confidently practice effective counseling and other therapies in multicultural and cross-cultural contexts. A solid understanding of universal human needs and how they are expressed in various cultures allows the psychologist, licensed mental health...
603 | Ending Well: Facilitating End-of-Life Decisions and Conversations for Dignity and Legacy
Numerous necessary decisions regarding aging, illness, and end-of-life issues must be addressed. Still, many people evade the topic entirely, while others simply do not have the tools or knowledge to plan effectively. This leaves families and loved ones with the...
604 | Through the Tears: Helping Families Discuss Suicide Loss with Children
Sadly, 7,000-30,000 children in the U.S. lose a parent to suicide yearly (Watson et al., 2021). This statistic does not account for other suicide losses a child may endure. Surviving family members often avoid discussing suicide with children due to stigma and/or fear...
608 | Peacemaking: Resolving Conflict and Restoring Relationships for Clinicians and Ministries
Studies have consistently demonstrated comorbidity between unresolved interpersonal conflict and various mental health concerns, such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, suicidality, substance use, family stability, workplace performance, and overall well-being....
610 | Imitating the Master: Christ-modeled Self-compassion for Treating Anxiety in Emerging Adults
According to university counseling centers, anxiety is the most common presenting problem among emerging adult college students, with 60.8% presenting anxiety (AUCCCD Annual Survey, 2021). Self-compassion interventions are known to be effective at reducing anxiety in...