As mental health professionals, we can all agree that burnout is dangerous for individuals and our profession. We can talk about how it starts – long hours, heavy client loads, slow progress, apathetic community members, ongoing stress, and more, and what it causes –...
Thursday 9/14 8:45 – 10:00 AM
125 | Precision Targeting: Super Effective Needs Based Coaching and Consultation
Coaching, whether Life Coaching or Executive Coaching, requires the coach to facilitate the client’s development. For clients to reach their goals and resolve their obstacles, they must have certain fundamental internal needs met and addressed, giving them the skills...
124 | The Great Resignation: Effective Career Coaching in the Digital Era and the Waning Workforce
This session will prepare coaches to excel in career-focused sessions with clients seeking to change industries, improve job satisfaction, get promoted, or make career decisions. Career trends in recent years have spanned “The Great Resignation,” “The Great...
123 | Affect Regulation and Relationship Enhancement Training for Multicultural Populations
Based on the experience of training more than 30,000 peer and professional counselors to serve thousands of Chinese-speaking populations in 15 countries, this presenter will share practical tips to engage, create a corrective emotional experience, and motivate...
222 | Ethics, Law, and Licensure: Changes and Challenges Facing Mental Health Professionals in 2023
In recent years, many changes and shifts in the APA, ACA, and NASW ethics codes have concerned psychologists and licensed mental health professionals with sincerely held religious beliefs. Physicians and other medical health care professionals are seeing the...
121 | The Body Bears the Burden: The Physical Consequences of Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse in Marriage
Our clients’ minds and bodies are connected. Too many mental health clinicians focus on treating the mind, forgetting to ask questions about the body. Thus, they are in danger of enabling a very destructive process instead of participating in powerful interventions....
114 | Creative Experiential Techniques: How to Bypass Defenses and Engage Emotions in Therapy
Human beings are developed and shaped experientially by lived experiences. At times, cognitive-behavioral therapy and other therapies cannot fully engage the emotions that were activated at the time the wound was experienced. Process-experiential counseling can bring...
120 | Redemptive Integration: How Christian Therapy Reconciles Dissociated Parts of the Self
Christianity has always recognized that the fallen human soul is divided (Ps. 42:6; Jer. 17:9; Rom. 7; Eph. 4:22-24; Ja. 1:8), and it has always looked to Jesus Christ as the ultimate, transcendent source of the healing of that division through the gift of His peace...
119 | Reframe and Rebound: Bringing Spiritual and Emotional Hope to Clergy After Forced Termination
Clergy-forced termination could be considered a modern-day epidemic. Although it is difficult to obtain an accurate count, it is estimated that at least 25% of clergy will experience forced termination in their careers (Barfoot et al. 2005; Tanner et al. 2012)....
118 | Navigating the Chaos: Strategies to Use with Family Members Who Have Borderline or Narcissistic Traits
Despite repeated attempts to get family members with borderline or narcissistic personality disorder symptoms to follow reasonable boundaries, understand, and be empathetic, they do not comply, which continues an upsetting cycle. The result is often depression, anger,...